Events Archive
Join our mailing listMark H. Ellisman
University of California, San Diego
Multimodal Multiscale Microscopic Imaging of the Brain: Revealing Secrets Hiding in Plain Sight
11:00 am, Friday 22 November 2024
James Jeanne
Department of Neuroscience, Yale University School of Medicine
Mechanisms of parallel processing in the brain
12:30 pm, Wednesday 16 October 2024
Megan Carey
Champalimaud Centre for the Unknown, Lisbon, Portugal
Complex control of complex behavior by the cerebellum
2:00 pm, Tuesday 04 June 2024
Joel Levine
University of Toronto
Evolutionary Implications of Drosophila Social Networks
3:00 pm, Friday 24 May 2024
Zvulun Elazar
Department of Biological Chemistry, Weizmann Institute of Science
Mechanism of Autophagy in Health and Disease
11:00 am, Friday 03 May 2024
Julie H. Simpson
Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology, UC Santa Barbara
Command, Connect, Clean: Mapping neural circuits for fly grooming as a model motor sequence
2:00 pm, Wednesday 01 May 2024
Susana Lima
Champalimaud Centre for teh Unknown, Lisbon, Portugal
Should I mate or should I go: cyclical control of female rejection behaviour
12:00 pm, Tuesday 16 April 2024
Matthias Landgraf
Department of Zoology, University of Cambridge
Fit for this world? - Critical periods of development specify cellular properties
12:00 pm, Thursday 18 January 2024
Paul Frankland
University of Toronto
Ontogeny of hippocampus-dependent memory
4:00 pm, Thursday 18 January 2024
Paul Frankland is a Senior Scientist in the program in Neurosciences & Mental Health at the Hospital for Sick Children, and a fellow of the Royal Society of Canada and the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences. He holds a Canada Research Chair in Cognitive Neurobiology, and is appointed as a Full Professor in the Department of Psychology, Department of Physiology and Institute of Medical Science at the University of Toronto. He is also a member of the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research (CIFAR) in the program for Child and Brain Development. His research program combines behavior, imaging and molecular approaches to study the neurobiology of memory. Using contemporary tools, Frankland has tackled classical questions in the memory field: Why do we lose our earliest childhood memories? Are memories are broadly distributed or localized in the brain? How does the brain forget? Is it possible to implant memories?
Christopher Dunsby
Imperial College London
High-speed 3D light-sheet microscopy
12:00 pm, Wednesday 22 November 2023
Sha Liu
Department of Neurosciences, Leuven Brain Institute
Single-Cell Transcriptomics Reveals that Glial Cells Integrate Homeostatic and Circadian Processes To Drive Sleep-Wake Cycles
12:00 pm, Thursday 18 May 2023
Gerry Rubin
HHMI Janelia Research Campus
Part 1: Context-dependent gating of visual attention in Drosophila Part 2: Strategies for annotating the fly connectome with information on neuropeptide signaling and gap junctions
3:00 pm, Thursday 11 May 2023
William Wisden
Imperial College London
A link between stress and restorative sleep
12:00 pm, Monday 31 October 2022
Annika Barber
Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry, Rutgers, State University of New Jersey
Coordination of neuropeptide signaling in the Drosophila clock output network
12:00 pm, Monday 25 July 2022
Stephane Dissell
School of Biological and Chemical Sciences, University of Missouri
Single cell resolution of a sleep-regulating circuit in Drosophila
12:00 pm, Thursday 07 July 2022
Dr Andrew Lin
Sheffield University
Sparse coding for odour-specific memories through homeostatic plasticity
12:00 pm, Thursday 23 June 2022
Professor Vanessa Ruta
The Rockefeller Univervisty
Tuesday 19 May 2020
Postponed until further notice.
Jeff Donlea
David Greffen School of Medicine, UCLA
Investigating the Role for Sleep in Responses to Neural Injury
12:00 pm, Tuesday 10 March 2020
Stanley Heinze
Department of Biology, Lund University
From Connectomes to Nanowires - the Quest to Understand the Central Complex across Insect Species
12:00 pm, Wednesday 26 February 2020
David Stern
HHMI, Janelia Research Campus
Neural Evolution of Context-Dependent Fly Song
12:00 pm, Tuesday 04 February 2020
Alicia Hidalgo
School of Biosciences, University of Birmingham
How to make a Plastic Brain
12:00 pm, Friday 17 January 2020
Mikhail Shchepinov
Retrotope, Inc
Lipid Deuteration against Neurodegeneration
4:00 pm, Tuesday 07 January 2020
Amita Sehgal
Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania
How Circadian Rhythms and Sleep Interact with Basic Physiology
12:00 pm, Thursday 12 December 2019
Lisa Fenk
The Rockefeller Univervisty
Active Sensation in Drosophila
12:00 pm, Monday 09 December 2019
Thomas Klausberger
Department of Cognitive Neurobiology, Medical University of Vienna
Prefrontal Network Dynamics for Cognition
12:00 pm, Wednesday 13 November 2019
Alexander Stark
IMP - Research Institute of Molecular Pathology, Vienna
Decoding Transcriptional Regulation in Drosophila
12:00 pm, Thursday 16 May 2019
Lukas Sjulson
Albert Einstein College of Medicine, New York
Cocaine Place Conditioning Strengthens Location-Specific Hippocampal Inputs to the Nucleus Accumbens
12:00 pm, Friday 26 April 2019
Hans-Ulrich Dodt - Please note new date and time
Institute of Solid State Electronics, Vienna
Nearly Isotropic 3D-Imaging of Mouse Brains, Fly Brains and Human Tumors with Light Sheets Beyond the Diffraction Limit
4:00 pm, Wednesday 17 April 2019
Mani Ramaswami
Trinity College, Dublin
Deciphering Mechanisms of Perceptual Silencing: From Molecules to Neural Systems
12:00 pm, Friday 29 March 2019
Michael Hastings
MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge
Cell-autonomous and Circuit-level Mechanisms of Circadian Timekeeping in Mammals: Genes, Neurons, and Astrocytes
12:00 pm, Wednesday 20 February 2019
Valentin Nägerl
Institut Interdisciplinaire de Neurosciences (IINS), Université de Bordeaux
Mind the Gap: Super-resolution Imaging of the Extracellular Space of the Brain
12:00 pm, Tuesday 22 January 2019
Giulio Tononi
University of Wisconsin–Madison
Sleep: A Window on Consciousness
12:00 pm, Tuesday 11 December 2018
Chiara Cirelli
Department of Psychiatry, University of Wisconsin
The price of being awake and the function of sleep: synaptic homeostasis
4:00 pm, Monday 10 December 2018
William Schafer
MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge
The Neuromodulatory Connectome: Wire and Wireless Networks
12:00 pm, Thursday 15 November 2018
Larry Abbott
Columbia University
Operating Principles of a Learning Network in Electric Fish
12:00 pm, Monday 08 October 2018
Mark Wu
Johns Hopkins University
Temporal Coding-Induced Synaptic Plasticity Determines Clock-Driven Sleep Quality
12:00 pm, Thursday 12 April 2018
Gina Turrigiano
Brandeis University
Self-Tuning Neurons, Firing Rate Homeostasis, and Sleep/Wake States
12:00 pm, Friday 06 April 2018
Karim Nader
Department of Psychology, McGill University
Specific impairments of consolidation, reconsolidation and long-term memory maintenance lead to memory erasure. Targeting memories as a new therapeutic approach to psychopathologies
12:00 pm, Monday 26 March 2018
Pico Caroni
Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research
Time Units for Learning and their Implementation Through Neuronal Assemblies
12:00 pm, Wednesday 07 March 2018
Valentina Emiliani
Université Paris Descartes
Toward circuit optogenetics
12:00 pm, Friday 16 February 2018
Simon Laughlin
Cambridge University
The Economic Benefits of a Neural Circuit Motif
12:00 pm, Friday 26 January 2018
Mala Murthy
Princeton University
Neural Mechanisms for Dynamic Acoustic Communication in Flies
12:00 pm, Wednesday 06 December 2017
Thanos Siapas
California Institute of Technology
Hippocampal Dynamics and Memory Processing
12:00 pm, Monday 20 November 2017
Andreas Luthi
Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research
Ensemble Coding in Amygdala Circuits
12:00 pm, Friday 10 November 2017
Mark Stopfer
National Institute of Health
“Neural Codes for the sense of Taste”
12:00 pm, Monday 30 October 2017
Gaspar Jekely
Living Systems Institute, Exeter University
Neural Circuits Underlying the Whole-body Coordination of Behaviour in Platynereis Larvae
12:00 pm, Friday 20 October 2017
André Fiala
Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
Learning and Memory in Drosophila: Linking Behavior, Neuronal Circuits and Synpatic Plasticity
12:00 pm, Wednesday 18 October 2017
Barry Dickson
Howard Hughes Medical Institute
The Neurobiology of Drosophila Mating Behaviors
12:00 pm, Monday 09 October 2017
Cancelled - Hubert Amrein
11:00 am, Friday 01 September 2017
Vilaiwan Fernandes
Department of Biology, New York University
Glia Relay Differentiation Cues to Coordinate Neuronal Development in Drosophila
12:00 pm, Wednesday 28 June 2017
Nicholas Franks
Department of Life Sciences, Imperial College London
Overlapping Mechanisms of Sleep and Sedation
12:00 pm, Monday 12 June 2017
Gaby Maimon
The Rockefeller University
A Circuit Architecture for Angular Integration
12:00 pm, Monday 03 April 2017
Michael Krashes
National Institute of Health
Hunger-Driven Motivational State Competition
12:00 pm, Thursday 30 March 2017
Tom Clandinin
Stanford University
Dissecting the Circuits and Algorithms That Process Visual Motion
12:00 pm, Tuesday 21 March 2017
Bart Deplancke
École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
On the impact of genetic variation on molecular and organismal (immunological) phenotypes
12:00 pm, Thursday 02 March 2017
Bert Sakmann
Max-Planck-Institut für Neurobiologie
From Single Cells and Columns to Cortical Networks: Coincidence Detection and Synaptic Transmission
12:00 pm, Thursday 17 November 2016
Robert Kittel
Universität Würzburg
Synaptic Vesicle Tethering to the Drosophila Active Zone Cytomatrix
12:00 pm, Wednesday 12 October 2016
Davi Bock
Janelia Research Campus
Tracing Memory Circuits in Drosophila melanogaster Using Whole-Brain Electron Microscopy
12:00 pm, Friday 07 October 2016
Benjamin Kaupp
Center of Advanced European Studies and Research (caesar)
At the Physical Limit – How to Detect a Single Molecule
12:00 pm, Monday 26 September 2016
Shaul Druckmann
Janelia Research Campus
Relating Circuit Dynamics to Computation: Robustness and Dimension-specific Computation in Cortical Dynamics
12:00 pm, Monday 25 April 2016
Susana Lima
Champalimaud Center for the Unknown
Neural Mechanisms Underlying State Dependent Modulation of Sexual Behavior
12:00 pm, Wednesday 16 March 2016
Emmanuelle Charpentier
Max Planck Institute for Infection Biology
CRISPR-Cas9: Biological Roles, Mechanisms, and Evolution
12:00 pm, Monday 07 March 2016
Bill Harris
Department of Physiology, Development and Neuroscience, University of Cambridge
How It Grows: The Retina
1:00 pm, Friday 12 February 2016
Rainer Friedrich
Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research, Basel
Deconstruction and Reconstruction of Neuronal Computations in Olfaction
12:00 pm, Tuesday 19 January 2016
Máté Lengyel
Cambridge University
Adaptation to Natural Input Statistics: a Key to Dendritic Computation and Plasticity
12:00 pm, Tuesday 24 November 2015
William T. Newsome
Stanford University School of Medicine
Neural Population Dynamics in Prefrontal Cortex Indicate Changes-of-mind on Single Behavioral Trials
12:00 pm, Thursday 12 November 2015
Scott Sternson
Howard Hughes Medical Institute
The Neurobiology of Hunger
12:00 pm, Monday 12 October 2015
Howard Berg
Harvard University
Motile Behavior of E. coli: Navigation by a Single-celled Nervous System
12:00 pm, Tuesday 06 October 2015
Daisuke Yamamoto
Tohoku University Graduate School of Life Sciences
What are Fruitless Proteins Really Doing for LOVEly Fruit Flies?
12:00 pm, Friday 18 September 2015
Kristin Scott
University of California, Berkeley
Taste Processing in Drosophila
12:00 pm, Monday 07 September 2015
Ilaria Testa
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
RESOLFT Super Resolution Microscopy: Application for Life Sciences
Thursday 04 June 2015
Randolf Menzel
Freie Universität Berlin
Memory Codes and Their Transformations In the Brain of the Honeybee
Friday 08 May 2015
Megan Carey
Champalimaud Centre for the Unknown
Cerebellar Circuit Contributions to Locomotor Coordination in Mice
Friday 30 January 2015
Rudy Behnia
New York University
Processing Properties of ON and OFF Pathways for Drosophila Motion Detection
Monday 05 January 2015
Rui Costa
Champalimaud Centre for the Unknown
Generating and Shaping Novel Action Repertoires
Thursday 11 December 2014
Michael Brecht
Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience, Berlin
A Grid Cell Grid
Friday 05 December 2014
Pavan Ramdya
Center for Integrative Genomics, Lausanne
The Organization of Behavior in Drosophila: Insights from Robotics
Tuesday 02 December 2014
Alexander Borst
Max Planck Institute of Neurobiology
The Holy Grail of Fly Motion Vision
Monday 24 November 2014
Maria Luisa Vasconcelos
Champalimaud Centre for the Unknown
Circuits of Innate Behaviour
Tuesday 30 September 2014
Greg Jefferis
MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge
Sex Circuits and Brain Maps
Monday 30 June 2014
Paul Taghert
Washington University Medical School
Mechanisms of Neuropeptide Synchronization in Drosophila Circadian Neural Circuits
Monday 09 June 2014
Gilles Laurent
Max Planck Institute for Brain Research
Explorations of a Simple Visual Cortex
Monday 19 May 2014
Ravi Allada
Northwestern University
Neural Control of Sleep and Circadian Rhythms
Friday 16 May 2014
Edvard Moser
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Grid Cells and Neural Maps for Space
Monday 24 March 2014
Michael Nitabach
Yale University
Neural Circuits Controlling Innate Behavior: Wriggling Worms and Snoozing Flies
Thursday 13 March 2014
Laurent Keller
University of Lausanne
Ants, Sex Chromosomes and Social Evolution
Monday 17 February 2014
Johannes Seelig
Janelia Farm
Neural Circuits and Representations Underlying Visuomotor Integration in Drosophila
Thursday 13 February 2014
Winfried Denk
Max Planck Institute for Medical Research
Towards the Circuit Diagram of the Mouse Brain
Monday 10 February 2014
Kenta Asahina
California Institute of Technology
Neuropeptides, Sexually Dimorphic Neurons, and Male Aggression
Monday 13 January 2014
Andrew Straw
Research Institute of Molecular Pathology, Vienna
Using Virtual Reality and Genetics to Dissect the Visual Guidance of Fly Locomotion
Monday 29 April 2013
James Rothman
Yale University
The Mechanism of Synchronous Neurotransmitter Release
Monday 23 April 2012